Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is programming paradigm (METHOD or you can say STYLE). In C++, everything happens around Object, that's why it is called as object oriented programming,
Now what is Objects? To understand object you first need to know what is class?
CLASS IN C++ : Take an example of a CAR. Each car has wheels, roof, color and many more features. But every car is not similar to each other. (Here i am talking about type of cars), still we categories them into car section. Put break here and read it once.......
Now this category of car is Class in C++ language and types and variety of cars are its Object. Hence Class is general representation of objects.
Now in reality our streets don't serves services to cars only, there are BIKES, BICYCLES, TRUCK and many more. These also represent them selves to some class.
This object oriented programming has many concepts which makes any programming language rich like our C++.
These concepts are
1) Class (ADT-Abstract data type)
2) Object
3) Inheritance
4) Encapsulation
5) Polymorphism
6) Method overloading
7) Operator overloading
8) Method overriding
9) Friend function
10) Exception handling
If i missed something here then i will tell you later. but for mean while read it once. And don't scare we will learn each concept very easily.
Keep your IDE (Editor) ready for next time.....
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