Learning C++: 2011-08-21


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Finding length of string in C ? (Not for C++ Readers)

In below program, I have find out string length and print each character of string in new line..

void main()
 char string[10];
 int i=0,lengh=0;

 printf("Enter the string: ");


Monday, August 22, 2011

What are the basic arithmatic operations in C++ ?

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are basic operations of any programming language.
In C++, basic arithmetic operations are
1) Addition (+)
2) Subtraction (-)
3) Multiplication (*)
4) Division (/)
5) Increment by 1 (++)
6) Decrement by 1 (--)
Here I am demonstrating example of addition in C++, I want you guys to try other operations by your self. If you will find any problem, comment me.

Program Definition: Take two number from user and add them and display result.

How to solve: (Logic)
1) Take number 1 and save in no1 Variable.
2) Take number 2 and save in no2 variable.
3) Take no3 variable to save result of addition.
4) Add no1 and no2 and assign result in no3.
5) Display variable no3.

void main()
     int no1,no2,no3;
     //Clears output screen
     cout<<"Enter first number: ";
     cout<<"Enter second number: ";
     //Assign result of Addition of no1 and no2 to no3
     cout<<"Addition of both numbers is: "<<no3;

Try it, and try with all arithmetic operations and share your experiences.
Enjoy Coding :)